Find the latest news on ALGASL work and issues related to Somaliland local governments
Fostering Partnerships: Donors and ALGASL Discuss Local Governance and Development in Somaliland
ALGASL Donates Water Truck to Ceel-Afweyn to Support Vulnerable Communities and Promote Environmental Sustainability
Addressing Climate Resilience: ALGASL and VNG International Host Annual Conference on Disaster Risk Management in Borama
Africa Urban Forum Conference in Addis Ababa
Disaster Resilience: Workshop on Enhancing Local Government DRM Structures and Coordination Mechanisms in Somaliland
Mapping the Future: Enhancing Local Government Capacity for Effective Urban Planning and Service Delivery through GIS Technology
Mapping the Future: Enhancing Local Government Capacity for Effective Urban Planning and Service Delivery through GIS Technology
The Training of Trainers (TOT) program on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related skills, held from 1st to 10th September 2024, marked a significant milestone in the capacity-building efforts for local government staff. The training, organized by the Association of Local Government Authorities of Somaliland (ALGASL) in Collaboration with UNFPA, brought together participants from various districts across Somaliland.
Training on Community Awareness and Participation in District-Level Disaster Risk Management
Building Resilient Communities through Strengthening Local Resilience: Training on Participatory Disaster Management
Strengthening Disaster Resilience: Comprehensive Training on Lobbying and Advocacy Across Somaliland for Gabiley District
Strengthening Disaster Resilience: Comprehensive Training on Lobbying and Advocacy Across Somaliland for Berbera District
Strengthening Disaster Resilience: Comprehensive Training on Lobbying and Advocacy Across Somaliland for Borama District
Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology Spearheads Digitalization Efforts: A Landmark Gathering
In a bid to propel Somaliland into the digital era, the Ministry of Communication and Technology, led by the esteemed Dr. Ahmed Yusuf Idris, orchestrated a momentous assembly. Representatives from key entities including the Ministry of Interior, ALGASL, the local administrations of Hargeisa and Gabilay, and the renowned GST company converged at the Ministry of Communication and Technology's conference hall for a pivotal discussion on the Digitalization of government services.