Inclusive Decisions At Local Level (IDEAL)

IDEAL (Inclusive Decisions at Local Level) is a program by VNG International implemented in seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Rwanda, Somaliland, South Sudan, and Uganda. Despite the diverging contexts and topics in the IDEAL program, we still pursue one common overall objective: involving citizens in local governance in order for local authorities to better deal with fragility risks.

To guard against this objective, each of the seven country programs is centered around the same three outcomes:

1. Effective services

Local governments offer many services to their citizens. It is important that these services address the most pressing challenges in a community and tackle the problems they are designed to solve.

2. Inclusive decisions

The policies of local governments have a direct impact on the daily lives of citizens. Therefore it is important all citizens can influence the local decision-making process, as well as be consulted
and informed about these decisions. This also extends to local business, civil society organizations and other local institutions in which citizens are represented.

3. Enabling environment

When challenges are too big to be addressed at a local level, local governments need to work together. Through their associations or other mechanisms, they can overcome these challenges.
participate in all levels of governance and defend the interests of local communities.

The social contract between citizens and local authorities that follows from inclusive decision-making improves local governance and the quality of basic services. Thereby increasing security, reducing poverty, and leading to sustainable social and economic development.

At country-level, the priorities are the following:

  1. Burundi: By enhancing citizens' voices in local governance, IDEAL Burundi aspires to improve human security in eight local governments, in particular for vulnerable groups such as women and youth.

  2. Mali: The IDEAL program in Mali supports five pilot communes in their integrated water resources management. It also supports the national association of municipalities in their lobbying efforts to improve the institutional environment.

  3. Palestinian Territories: The IDEAL program supports Palestinian municipalities in developing a joint approach with their communities to create job opportunities and promote prosperity.

  4. Rwanda: The IDEAL program supports six growing Rwandan cities in dealing with the challenges brought by rapid urbanization. By closely involving local citizens in this process, we ensure that their needs are reflected in policies and services developed to address these challenges.

  5. Somaliland: Somaliland is in the early stages of decentralization. Local governments struggle to be resilient in coping with the impact of climate change and other development challenges. The IDEAL program supports the Association of Local Government Authorities of Somaliland (ALGASL) to strengthen the voice and capacity of local governments.

  6. South Sudan: The IDEAL program supports local governments in improving the delivery and accessibility of WASH services, which promotes local development and stabilization.

  7. Uganda: In dynamic and volatile Uganda, the voice of citizens becomes increasingly relevant to ensure locally driven development, which is why the IDEAL program supports six Ugandan local governments and two local government associations in aligning their actions and services to the needs of citizens.

Building Better Futures in Somaliland