Strengthen Technical and Operational Capacities of DANWADAAG Target CBOs
Training of CBOs representatives on institutional capacity building
The Danwadaag project held two separate training sessions for Somaliland's target CBOs in Hargeisa and Buroa, respectively, from December 12th to 15th and 18th to 21st, 2022. The training was attended by 30 people (1 male and 29 female).
This training strengthened the institutional capacity of selected Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in the target Danwadaag villages to develop rules and regulations as well as missions and values shared by all stakeholders and used to guide project and activity decisions. The project evaluated these CBOs' governance and strategy, technical capacity, networking and advocacy before training them. This training aimed to improve CBOs’ governance and strategy. It also aimed to improve their ability to communicate their organization's mission, vision, and strategic pillars to guide their actions.
Training of CBOs representatives on institutional capacity building
There have been pre-training and post-training evaluations administered. Each CBO’s level of compliance with specific criteria, such as having a written mission, vision, and bylaws, was evaluated. CBOs differed from one another; some of them had verbal agreements but needed written documentation. Other CBOs had written material that needed to be better organized.
The training provided a comprehensive overview of CBOs and their role in the development and inclusive governance. Participants learned about the various types of CBOs, their development footprints, and how they can be the focal point for mobilizing communities to achieve desired outcomes. Above all, they have learned technical skills in defining an organization's mission, vision, and bylaws. The training enabled them to develop key organizational elements to take advantage of the trainers and coaches available to assist them. At the end of the training, each CBO received key documents that would aid in their day-to-day operations. The training was supplemented by 15 days of coaching sessions in which participants were tasked with developing their organizational vision, mission, strategic priorities, bylaws, and organizational structures. The participants had easy access to the trainers, who assisted them in putting together the necessary documents and structures.